As someone who is nearing the half century mark, I look at the world differently than I did when I was very young. For example, I remember muttering, "Why do we have to study history?"
My life guides rose to their full height and told me what so many kids are told: "We can learn from the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them." Their voices were strong and their demeanors were intimidating. I believed them.
Now, as I look back across four decades, I realize the lessons we can learn from history are about much more than mistakes. Studying history is about coming to understand the lives of humans who came before us.
Voltaire said, "All the ancient histories, as one of our wits say, are just fables that have been agreed upon." Why do we create fables about our ancestors? Aren't fables lies for children? If we think of fables as short allegorical narratives, then we, as humans, must need to have a central moral compass to our society, right?
History, or more precisely, the stories of the lives of humans who have lived in decades, centuries, and even millenia past, provide some of that moral stability we seem to seek. What narratives of the recent or even very distant past help us to form meaning for contemporary life today? And how do the life stories of humans from the past instill in us so many of the customs and conditions of our mode of living today?
Post to this blog with your ideas about society, history, morality, fables, and narratives. Draw in real stories of real human experiences from the past and help us to figure out more about our human society today.
I believe that all children, no matter what time period, have the same basic mind structure as children today. As they grow, they discover more about the world, and they change their views on things as they mature. They realize that things like history, math, science, and so on do have a purpose.
I also believe that history is important. I found a very similar quote comparing history to fables by Napoleon Bonaparte. It says "What is history but a fable agreed upon". I disagree with this, because I think history is a valuable thing to know, and is much more than just a bunch of fables. I more so agree with a quote by George Santayana which my dad constantly would repeat to me whenever I complained about history. It goes, "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." History is an important aspect in our lives.
The Athenian Quarterly
Fall Edition
490 B.C.
Victory at Marathon!
Superior Athenians ensure defeat for Persians
an article by Ronald
A fleet of 600 Persian ships landed on Greek soil in September, and released some 20,000 Persian soldiers, both infantry and cavalry. These invaders, aliens to our land would not go uncontested by our fledgling Athenian military, among them the proud Hoplite infantrymen, I overheard one of the officers say:
"You can really tell what jobs these 'Hoplites' had back in Athens, the rich are always complaining about the weight of their armor while marching, but the farmers are used to the strenuous labor."
Nevertheless, our soldiers repelled the Persian invaders and seem to have great respect from members of fellow Greek city-states. The future looks very bright for all inhabitants of Greece. -Ronald
"The Battle of Marathon, 490 BC," EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2006).
go to redsoxgirl429.blogspot.com to see an editorial on Greek Woman compared to today's women.
Visit marathontactics.blogspot.com to see my blog
Visit my blog to view my view on this.
Ancient Greece and today's issues are very similar. An issue that was an issue back then is still and issue to today is teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is frowned upon in society today. But in Ancient Greece it was considered tradition. Once a girl got her period she was sold off as a wife to men twice their age. The women were married usually at the age of 12, so there really were no teen years. Those girls became pregnant and it was considered a normal family. Teen pregnancy is viewed very differently over the years but have the same effects.
I used to think that it was a waste to study history because our society is living in the moment, and learning about past wars will not help us live. Now I see history as a more important subject to study. Knowing history helps us understand more about today’s culture and how we live.
For example, this year in US History II, we learned about how our country and government was established. Learning about what the senate actually was and what the president’s roles were helps us students understand how our country runs today. We become more informed of our environment by studying history.
I also agree that by studying history, we learn mistakes and future generations will better from them because they will not make the same mistakes again that cause trouble for past generations. For example, looking back on slavery, we now realize it was an awful thing to put African American through and our country will never make that mistake again.
John, Larry, Cody, Jarred, Chad
Check out our blog...
Emma, Ellie, Rachel, Cassie
Politics in Ancient Greece very much influenced the United States current political system. There are many similarities between the two, including the existance of political parties, and the representation of every individual.
On the other side, our government has evolved slowly over the years to the point that it is it's own system. One of the biggest changes is the involvment of both women and minorities. We are in a time when we are seeing black govenors, for example Deval Patrick. We are also on the edge of having the first women President in the United States, in Hilary Clinton. These people would not have be involved in the government of Ancient Greece.
If you want to see the subject of politics now and then expanded on, visit our WikiSpace at http://powerfulpolitics.wikispaces.com/.
An Opinion On Greek Women
Many mythical stories about how women show signs of a deep male anxiety about feminine power. Most Greek women would be married at about the age of fourteen to a man roughly twice their age. Prior to marriage ceremony the couple would probably have met only a few times, and the bride would normally be a virgin. Once married a respectable Greek wife would be confined primarily to the household since working was the husbands duty. Divorce was uncommon, if people were to get a divorce it was uncommon for the female to get remarried. Women had few rights in the male-dominant Athens, and their treatment was sometimes scarcely better than that domestic slaves. Society was divided into to two classes, the riches and peasants. The Riches were the males that had powerful jobs and were able to provide for their family. The peasants we the males that had jobs like farming and brought in very little money for their family.
In Ancient Greece it was not uncommon to see or hear of a female slave being beaten, or sexually abused by their owners. These slaves did not have an outlet where they could escape these things even just for a while, for their abusers were their masters, and these masters governed their lives. Today, those who are subjected to abuse of any kind do have a number of places in which they can hide away and talk to someone about the situations they have been forced into. Organizations have been formed so that no on has to go through such horrible things alone anymore, as well as various hotlines and school provided counselors. Unfortunately a great deal of the time, teenagers who have dealt with situations such as abuse turn to something quite easy to obtain, something that will make the pain subside for a while.
Substance abuse is a growing problem with teenagers, and many people have no idea why they cannot get these numbers down with all the different outlets teens are given. However, what most are unaware of is the torment teenagers have been put through and how difficult it is to make all of the hurt they are feeling go away. No one in this age group wants to be known as the crazy kid that cannot deal with their own problems so they go cry their hearts out to the school guidance counselor. Instead, these teenagers just pop a couple pills, blow some lines, or smoke a bowl. As a result, they have learned how to mask their misery, and most likely, they have even found a different simple way to gain a number of new friends. These days, abuse can lead to substance abuse and very easily, addiction. Teens have found a new way to run from confrontation, although before they know it, it is controlling and in the end, ruining their lives.
In this world, there are always people who are constantly being judged. They have no way to escape it, but no matter what they do, they cannot run away from it. It is like they are being chased by a monsoon that gets stronger by the second. For these people, many of them women, they feel hopeless and have nowhere to turn. Today’s women or girls might go to their father and ask for advice. Their fathers would most likely give them proper advice following a hug or an “I love you”. If not, their fathers were either drunk or too stupid for them to listen, and they would have no one else to turn too, so they turn to drugs instead. For the Ancient Greek women, they never had that chance to do that. Their father saw them as a bargaining chip, and would get rid of them of soon as they could by planning an arranged marriage. Men their entire lives were constantly controlling them, and they had no chance to give their opinion because they were slaves to their husbands, and did whatever they said.
For all these women, I personally believe that these two groups of women are suffering in this place we call home, and they never had any idea that they could use their words in order to make a statement that would never be forgotten. Women always believe what men say: take these pills and everything will be all right or clean these dishes and then we can have some fun. We believe those things because we want too, meaning that there is something there, either his charm or in his eyes, which make you say yes. It is not clearly understood by all men, but women see this as a sign to get what they want in order to be happy. But, what women do not realize is that falling for this “look” could cost you your life. You do not truly believe in this “look” because you do not see what it really means. It could be a curse that sends you on a downward spiral, or a threat that could cost you a broken arm. In order to reverse this look, you need to stand up for yourself. This means standing up to the bully or the cute “boyfriend” in any possible means. This may cost you an arm or some drugs, but action speaks louder than words. By doing this, you have accomplished something that many women do not have the power to do, which is getting up the power to go against the status quo, and become a more independent women. Being this free allows to go on in live knowing that if you did one good thing in this world, is that you are a hero to many other women in this country, and your strength will inspire others to do the same.
Our Blog space is being reviewed,so we will post it on there once the review is completed.
An Opinion On Greek Women
Many mythical stories about how women show signs of a deep male anxiety about feminine power. Most Greek women would be married at about the age of fourteen to a man roughly twice their age. Prior to marriage ceremony the couple would probably have met only a few times, and the bride would normally be a virgin. Once married a respectable Greek wife would be confined primarily to the household since working was the husbands duty. Divorce was uncommon, if people were to get a divorce it was uncommon for the female to get remarried. Women had few rights in the male-dominant Athens, and their treatment was sometimes scarcely better than that domestic slaves. Society was divided into to two classes, the riches and peasants. The Riches were the males that had powerful jobs and were able to provide for their family. The peasants we the males that had jobs like farming and brought in very little money for their family.
In Ancient Greece it was not uncommon to see or hear of a female slave being beaten, or sexually abused by their owners. These slaves did not have an outlet where they could escape these things even just for a while, for their abusers were their masters, and these masters governed their lives. Today, those who are subjected to abuse of any kind do have a number of places in which they can hide away and talk to someone about the situations they have been forced into. Organizations have been formed so that no on has to go through such horrible things alone anymore, as well as various hotlines and school provided counselors. Unfortunately a great deal of the time, teenagers who have dealt with situations such as abuse turn to something quite easy to obtain, something that will make the pain subside for a while.
Substance abuse is a growing problem with teenagers, and many people have no idea why they cannot get these numbers down with all the different outlets teens are given. However, what most are unaware of is the torment teenagers have been put through and how difficult it is to make all of the hurt they are feeling go away. No one in this age group wants to be known as the crazy kid that cannot deal with their own problems so they go cry their hearts out to the school guidance counselor. Instead, these teenagers just pop a couple pills, blow some lines, or smoke a bowl. As a result, they have learned how to mask their misery, and most likely, they have even found a different simple way to gain a number of new friends. These days, abuse can lead to substance abuse and very easily, addiction. Teens have found a new way to run from confrontation, although before they know it, it is controlling and in the end, ruining their lives.
In this world, there are always people who are constantly being judged. They have no way to escape it, but no matter what they do, they cannot run away from it. It is like they are being chased by a monsoon that gets stronger by the second. For these people, many of them women, they feel hopeless and have nowhere to turn. Today’s women or girls might go to their father and ask for advice. Their fathers would most likely give them proper advice following a hug or an “I love you”. If not, their fathers were either drunk or too stupid for them to listen, and they would have no one else to turn too, so they turn to drugs instead. For the Ancient Greek women, they never had that chance to do that. Their father saw them as a bargaining chip, and would get rid of them of soon as they could by planning an arranged marriage. Men their entire lives were constantly controlling them, and they had no chance to give their opinion because they were slaves to their husbands, and did whatever they said.
For all these women, I personally believe that these two groups of women are suffering in this place we call home, and they never had any idea that they could use their words in order to make a statement that would never be forgotten. Women always believe what men say: take these pills and everything will be all right or clean these dishes and then we can have some fun. We believe those things because we want too, meaning that there is something there, either his charm or in his eyes, which make you say yes. It is not clearly understood by all men, but women see this as a sign to get what they want in order to be happy. But, what women do not realize is that falling for this “look” could cost you your life. You do not truly believe in this “look” because you do not see what it really means. It could be a curse that sends you on a downward spiral, or a threat that could cost you a broken arm. In order to reverse this look, you need to stand up for yourself. This means standing up to the bully or the cute “boyfriend” in any possible means. This may cost you an arm or some drugs, but action speaks louder than words. By doing this, you have accomplished something that many women do not have the power to do, which is getting up the power to go against the status quo, and become a more independent women. Being this free allows to go on in live knowing that if you did one good thing in this world, is that you are a hero to many other women in this country, and your strength will inspire others to do the same.
Our Blog space is being reviewed,so we will post it on there once the review is completed.
Our views on women in ancient times can be viewed at
In the year 507 BC, there was a revolution in Athens. The people revolted against Cleisthenes, the reformer of Athens, and Isagoras, the current ruler of Athens and arch-enemy of Cleisthenes, who helped the 700 families called ‘The Accursed.’ They dismantled the city’s traditional government and over threw it. When a riot broke out which resulted with a full-scale revolt, both Cleisthenes and Isagoras had been taken by surprise. The people who Cleisthenes and Isagoras considered their inferiors had trapped Isagoras with his Spartan allies on top of the Acropolis. Isagoras and his Spartan allies were unprepared and were simply overwhelmed by the united opposition who forced them to agree to a truce. The Spartans decided to leave Athens, and Isagoras’ allies were then executed.
It was a new felling for the ordinary Athenians, to have complete power and freedom, and to think they had accomplished this all on their own. So they decided to place Cleisthenes as their new leader and had asked him to create a new form of government. This was the world’s first government of the people, a system of government we know today as democracy, which they had called the demos.
Vist my wikispace to see my thoughts on this:
Ancient Greek Slaves vs. Our now middle and upper classes
Now a days in a our country of the United States our population is divided up into 3 classes. The poor, the middle class and the rich upper class. Back very long ago in our country these poor citizens were doing the dirty work under strict slave laws.
- Ben Boulter
In our country an extreme vast majority fall into the middle class citizens.
No more than 5% of the citizens are in the upper class or rich.
As well, a very small amount of the population struggle and are grouped into the poor class.
- Dan
In ancient Greece you were either a slave which was the majority of the population or you were extremely rich. Their was no happy medium like we have today. Slaves were generally…
Slaves were generally…
Domestic servants
Factory workers
Mine workers
Farm Workers
Ships crew members--- Jeffrey
Royal people and Royal Families. (Emperors, the rich) 20%
Slaves and Servants 80%
Upper class, income of 500,000 or higher.
Middle class citizens, income 35,000- 100,000
Working Class citizens income 16,000- 30,000
Lower class, rely on government funds and transfers.
Upper class and some of their jobs
Top level executives
Some doctors
Ivy league educations often involved in their success in their career for people other than celebrities.
Upper Middle Class
Highly educated with graduate degrees
Managers of stores companies.
Lower Middle Class
Semi- Professionals
4 years or less of college education.
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